Building icon

We build homes

Our goal is to provide a home for those in need. With access and funds to the right resources, we’ve been able to and will continue to build homes in villages and communities for those unable to build them for themselves and their families.

Donation icon

We donate food and clothes

Food insecurity is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we can facilitate progress in this area. We use donations to buy non-perishable food items in bulk to distribute to families. Additionally, we allocate a day for the community to indulge in some treats.

Teaching icon

We teach

We believe that people have the ability to create a better life for themselves and their families. However, without quality education, people grow up being unable to provide for their own children — thus the generational cycle of poverty. We find people who are willing to learn and we do our best to teach them. This includes things like teaching people how to buy food in bulk and selling it to make a profit and then giving them some money to get started.

This Is How We Do It

We accept your donations all-year-round. This includes funds, new and used clothes (in good condition), and non-perishable food items. Donate now or contact us for more information.

Once a year, we travel to a developing country and we seek out folks who are living in the worst conditions and figure out the best approach to helping them. In recent years, we’ve gone to Guyana, the Philippines and Costa Rica to name a few.

100% of your donations will go towards the well-being of these people. We document the process and share the stores on this website. See past work.

Every donation helps. It could mean a lot to someone who needs it.

Donate Now

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